affiliate marketing dofollow donat: Serious Sam: The First Encounter [Mediafire PC game] with Description

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Serious Sam: The First Encounter [Mediafire PC game] with Description

Game Description
Serious Sam: The First Encounter is a "highly traditional" first person shooter that takes place in Ancient Egypt where your job is to kill the alien infestation. I know, it doesn't really make sense, but I don't think it matters. Serious Sam is all about killing enemies, lots of enemies, lots and lots of enemies. When this game came out it set a benchmark level of how many enemies it could have on the screen at any given time; without too much performance lag. So in a sense, this game is a throwback to some of the earlier first person shooters like Doom because of the weird undeveloped story, and the amount of enemies you have to fight. There is a couple puzzles in the game, but they compare more to the Duke Nukem 3D puzzles like pushing some buttons, or finding some items to advance you in the levels.

Mediafire Link
Download link 1
Download link 2
Source : skallinonedownloads

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